Friday, May 9, 2008

Aidan in the pool!

Here's Aidan's first dip in the blow up kiddie pool...BTW, whatever happened to the hard plastic pools? You know the kind you could turn into a fort? Anyway, we didn't have swim trunks hence the nakedness, although he was wearing SPF 50...that counts for something, right?

Life has lost its meaning....

Today Scott's XBOX 360 died. The nice customer support lady said $100 and 3 weeks and it will be right as rain. Scott was so upset he is seriously considered taking his half of the government stimulus check and buying a new XBOX so he doesn't have to wait. Yes, you are reading that correctly.

As for right now, he has retreated to the bedroom to wallow in the gloom...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Fiesta fun for the little chili pepper

This Saturday we had a Feista baby shower for the Honours, whose little chili pepper is due in July...sombreros and baby bottles galore! Above is Jimmy Honour, the Padre to be, and below is some of the Fiesta food. If you can't read them, the cupcakes spell "Peyton's Fiesta" OLE!!

Oh, and here's a picture of me with Jimmy standing over after he beat me with the pacifier pinata. Hope you're proud of yourself Jimmy!